Thursday, May 3, 2012

Be careful when choosing leaders-2012

LEADING a nation of people is a complex task. A nation is made up of people with variety of opinions, languages, cultures and expectations. It requires people with special skills in dealing with the human factor. So my people of PNG do not take your vote for granted when it comes to voting a leader in your respective electorate in the forthcoming national elections in July. Our country needs good leaders because wicked leaders will ruin the nation. How are we going to measure our MP's performances over the last five years? What is the matrix? I suggest that we weigh out our MP's performance against the following indicators:-

  • Educationally how many of our young people in the electorate had received good quality education up to tertiary levels and where is the tangible evidence of their entry into employment.
  • Health wise, how effective has been health services in the electorate and what are the tangible evidence in terms of services and the health of our people?
  • * Infrastructure wise, how are the states of roads, bridges, airstrips and jetties in our electorate.
  • Economically, to what extent have the people been encouraged in microenterprise development?
  • Constitutionally, has our elected MP adhered to the laws of the country when dealing with issues in parliament and in relation to good governance?
  • How effectively has our MP as a legislator participated in parliamentary debates, initiating and passing of laws?
  • Has our MP been living in the electorate in the last five years?
  • Has our MP had any morality issues that would affect his integrity and credibility as a leader in terms of marital relationship?
  • How truly have our MP committed himself to our Christian beliefs as we are a Christian nation. We must have all these questions in our mind to assess our MP's performance before we ever think of casting our votes for them.

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